Medical Device Development Partner

Why Newvomed?

Over 30 years of experience and expertise commercializing new medical devices and technologies with a specialization in Orthopedic. Many companies have a one-time need to create procedure specific products to prepare and deliver their unique technology but they do not have the internal personnel or production facilities to make that a reality. By outsourcing the project to Newvomed we become your team to make this happen. No need to hire new staff, purchase special equipment or add extra work to your already overwhelmed team. Once the project is complete we move onto our next project and you continue to grow your business.

What Sets Us Apart?

Newvomed has unique knowledge and understanding of how to combine clinical and commercial objectives when developing new technologies or markets and a network of global partners to bring that to fruition. If you are an American company launching internationally or vice versa, Newvomed can provide you the insights needed to be successful in either situation. Our team can manage the process anywhere along the path to market starting at the idea stage, documentation, regulatory approval, market launch & commercialization.


New medical product technology development

New technology development

Idea development, prototyping, product design, cadaveric lab evaluation, validation, packaging, regulatory documentation, reimbursement and so much more.

New medical product technology development

New technology development

Sales, Marketing and Distribution Medical Devices

Sales & Marketing strategies

Develop plans for selling, marketing and distributing newly created or existing products.

Sales, Marketing and Distribution Medical Devices

Sales & Marketing strategies

Medical Product Commercialization


Bringing new products to market or taking existing products into new markets.

Medical Product Commercialization


New medical product technology development

New technology development

Idea development, prototyping, product design, cadaveric lab evaluation, validation, packaging, regulatory documentation, reimbursement and so much more.

New medical product technology development

New technology development

Sales, Marketing and Distribution Medical Devices

Sales & Marketing strategies

Develop plans for selling, marketing and distributing newly created or existing products.

Sales, Marketing and Distribution Medical Devices

Sales & Marketing strategies

Medical Product Commercialization


Bringing new products to market or taking existing products into new markets.

Medical Product Commercialization


Who We Help

Do You Want to Develop or Launch A New Medical Product?

We work primarily with the following groups:

  • Surgeons who have an idea they would like to prototype, patent, develop and sell
  • New medical device companies looking to expand their geographical markets
  • Product engineers who have technology they want to commercialize
  • Corporate business development leaders in need of a project specific design team
  • Marketing teams and CMO’s at medical device companies

What We Offer

Development Resources and Expertise in Orthopedics

Access to resources

Design & Development

 Access to OEM device manufacturer to design, rapid prototype, patent, trademark and file new products for approval including all process documentation.

Case Study

Staying One Step Ahead of the Competition
Access to doctors

Surgeon & Distribution Networks

Ability to partner with a global network of surgeons, key opinion leaders and distribution channels for the key device markets worldwide.

Case Study

Throwing Out the Orthopedic Playbook

Commercialization Insights

Experts in opening markets, building strong teams and working with clinicians in cadaveric labs to develop new ideas for the operating room.

Case Study

2G Program Using Old Technology to Build New Business

Newvomed has a global reach with connections to clinical and commercial networks in over 30 different medical device markets.


Our Partners